Parkside Church in Chagrin Falls, Ohio
February 17-18, 2023
Team Debate: Register one (1) judge per team (maximum two (2) per family)*
Individual Events (I.E.): Register one (1) judge per student (maximum two (2) per family)*
*Please note that Hosting Clubs have additional recruiting requirements. If additional judges are needed to fulfill these requirements, please contact the Judge Coordinator, Mrs. Naylor, at thenaylorfamily@gmail.com for additional contact names.
Parent Judges:
- All parents must register on the Tournament Student Registration “Judges” Tab. This allows us to have name tags for all parents.
- Parents are expected to be available to judge the entire tournament. If this is not possible, then additional Guest Judges must be recruited to cover this need.
- To fulfill your judge requirements, first register both parents as judges and then recruit Guest Judges.
- Parent Judge registrations must be completed before the tournament registration close date of January 26, 2023. Please note that this closes earlier than Guest Judge registration.
Guest Judges:
- Guest Judges are anyone other than a parent.
- Alumni are Guest Judges.
- Please access the “Guest Judges” link to register Guest Judges.
- Here is a flyer you can use to invite Guest Judges.
- Guest Judge registrations are open through 5:00 p.m., Monday, February 13, 2023.
For all Parent Judge and Guest Judge registrations, the following information must be submitted:
- Full Name (without suffixes or prefixes; if a compound name, please leave no space between words; e.g. “Van Wort” should be listed as “VanWort”)
- Complete Mailing Address
- Email
- Phone Number
- Restrictions [list only those other than your own club and students]
- Biographical Information [used for Debate Judge Bios postings displayed at tournament]
- For Guest Judges: the name of the CCA family who recruited them must be listed in the "Recruited by" field.