2023 Ivy Tech Tournament Judge Requirements
Judge Requirements
Team Debate
Register one (1) judge per team (maximum two (2) per family).
Individual Events (IE)
Register one (1) judge per student (maximum two (2) per family).
Please note that Hosting Clubs have additional local recruiting requirements. If additional judges are
needed to fulfill these requirements, please contact the Tournament Director, David White, at
ccidebate@gmail.com for additional contact names.
Parent Judges
All parents must register on the Tournament Student Registration "Judges" Tab. This allows us to
have name tags for all parents.
Parents are expected to be available to judge the entire tournament. If this is not possible, then
additional Guest Judges must be recruited to cover this need.
To fulfill your judge requirements, first register both parents as judges and then recruit Guest Judges.
Parent Judge registrations must be completed before the tournament registration close date of
February 23, 2023. Please note that this closes earlier than Guest Judge registration.
Guest Judges
Guest Judges are anyone other than a parent.
Alumni are Guest Judges. Please access the "Guest Judge" Registration link to register Guest
Guest Judge Registration Link (External EventBrite Link)
Parent and Guest Judge Information Requirements
For all Parent Judge and Guest Judge registrations, the following information must be submitted:
- Full Name (without suffixes or prefixes)
- Mailing Address
- Email address
- Mobile Phone Number
- Restrictions [list only those other than your own club and students]
- Biographical Information [used for Debate Judge Bios postings displayed at tournament]
- For Guest Judges: the name of the family who recruited them must be listed in the "Recruited by" field