Tournament Information – Louisville Invitational Tournament
March 10 & 11, 2023
Tournament Location -
Highlands Latin School, Spring Meadows Campus, 10901 Shelbyville Road, Louisville, KY 40243
Emergency contacts during the tournament: 859-537-6655 (Jerry Pierce - TD) 256-599-3120 (Leigh Ann Pierce, TD)
Please note: This is a multi-building campus, so please consider weather protection, alternate shoes, etc.
Student check-in will be in Cooke Hall, Hangout is in Fine Arts. Coolers should be dropped off at Fine Arts - not brought to Cooke.
Please notice designated parking for competitors, leaving other parking open for guest judges.
Tournament Fees Note about fees: If on a waiting list, or uncertain in other ways about event registration, it's best to wait and pay fees after these things are resolved.
Team Debate:
$70 per team ($35 per individual)
Individual Events:
Junior Varsity (JV)
Junior (JR)
$30 for 1st event, $5 for each additional event (13 year olds limited to 2 events, 14-18 limited to 2 events unless doing Sweeps, or requesting special permission for a 3rd event. See details and other restrictions below)
$30 Age 9 – 12, limited to 1 event
$25 Age 5 – 8, limited to 1 event
Events offered I.E. Competitor Divisions and Event Eligibility available here.
Varsity Team Debate
Individual Events (I.E.):
*See restrictions below
Prose Interpretation
Dramatic Interpretation
Limited Preparation:
Impromptu *See restrictions below
Extemporaneous Apologetics
News Analysis
Public Address:
Junior Varsity (JV):
JV Informative
JV Prose Interpretation
Junior (JR):
JR Prose Interpretation
Sweepstakes: For Varsity Division only. To be eligible for Sweepstakes competition, competitors shall compete in three (3) events, with one (1) from each genre (Interpretation, Limited Preparation, and Public Address).
I.E. Entry Limits:
- *14 – 18 year old Varsity competitors may only register for 3 events if they are doing Sweepstakes. Non-Sweepstakes students desiring to compete in 3 IEs should register for their 2 top events, then send a request to the Tournament Directors requesting their 3rd event. (Send student name and 3rd event request to
-13-year-old Varsity competitors are limited to participate in a total of two (2) Individual Events.
- Impromptu: Beginning with the 2022 season, Varsity students will be limited to 2 consecutive seasons of competing in Impromptu at one or more CCA tournaments per season.
- Junior Varsity and Junior competitors are limited to one (1) Individual Event.
- Registration preference will be given to first registrations. There may not be room to accept later registrations in some events.